Christians Ranting on World and Political Topics



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  • Christians Ranting on World and Political Topics

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    Maybe the warning sign should appear on some of my social posts? We all have our rants at times. I become outspoken about the Islamic hate cult, riling liberal pacifists over my comments. It’s hard to keep quiet when you see something so horribly wrong. Then I have to pull back realizing that I can't mix my geo-political worldview with a Christian heart... it simply is not cohesive. We cannot maintain proper fellowship with the Spirit, loving the souls of sinners when we build up indignation toward sinners. The end product is hypocrisy.

    I have to remind myself, Christ never took a stance on world issues, where he knew the world was destined to spiral down into decadence. In Mark 12:14-17, the devious leaders asked a question to exploit Jesus’ political bias, to use against him. Jesus read right through their manipulation and noted it as hypocrisy, and asked for a coin to explain that we are to pay taxes to the established government, even if we did not favor it. He would not rally on a world issue or political topics!

    Again we see this in Luke 13:1-4, a tabloid news event was all the talk after Pilate mixed Galilean blood in with their sacrifices, a political scandal indeed. Christ however didn’t consider the scandal as much as what was really important, “unless you repent, you will all likewise perish.” He further reinforces his meaning by bringing up another newsworthy event, about the tower in Siloam that fell and killed 18 citizens. It was common to think that people suffered such fates because they were extra wicked and deserving, but Jesus sets the record straight. "I tell you, no, but unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."

    Jesus knew sin and evil would continue to escalate… as it was in the days of Noah. His ONLY purpose was to declare the Kingdom of God has come (arrival of himself as the Father’s ultimate sacrifice) and to coexist mutually but exclusive as the world and moral fiber around him continually swayed under the heavy weight of sin, as it does today. While we think our world is unique mess--the world has always been a mess. Each epoch of time has different issues to contend, but they are all relative to the curse of sin over all humanity.

    Yes, it can be difficult to keep the main thing the main thing. Forgive me if I go off tangent, deep into those worldly issues that affect us all. Thankfully the Spirit provides us checks and balances by revelations of Scripture, to bring us back into that narrow path.

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