Prove that there is a Holy Spirit



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  • Prove that there is a Holy Spirit

    Prove that there is a Spirit, demanded a livid doubter.

    A person cannot empirically prove what is not available for observation to the senses. However the writ of Canon aptly describes the spirit with the words, "The wind blows wherever it wants. Just as you can hear the wind but can't tell where it comes from or where it is going, so you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit." John 3:8. You can sense it, a person can feel it despite not being able to recognize it, but no one can ever explain it. Thus the nature of the spiritual, incomprehensible by the fleshly man, recognized by the spiritually awakened.

    Some have guessed that 85% of the populace at any given time has no spiritual comprehension where their own spirit is lying dead to such things. Awareness typically requires an initiation of some type, a visitation, an awakening, a transformation as to given in the new birth. Those dormant would assuredly think those aware are intrinsically nutty. They usually ridicule the aware and look down on them as mentally incompetent. All due to having no point of reference personally. It is again written; " My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you." This does not refer to intellectual knowledge, but spiritual awareness and abiding. Without spiritual awareness, a person travels on a cold and dry road of barrenness (internally), without any favor of the spiritual or the keeper of lights.

    Do you require physical evidence of electricity? Don't you turn on a light having faith that there will be current to initiate the bulb? Of course, a person can take this example to the extremes and explain it away with all the instruments that can prove current exists, but the question addresses the simplicity of trusting what is trusted upon daily that cannot be seen.

    The following is a passage a Christian places a lot of merit in, as well as other faiths in different contexts, "So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal" 2 Cor. 4:18. Even time is temporal, but the spirit is not measured in length, width, or depth. It is without mass therefore has no method of observation. It does not have a beginning or end, therefore it is not subject to being created or decay. It is everywhere at once, not contained to space, therefore it is not subject to a locality for observation.

    Again, only those who are awakened or reborn can comprehend these things, those who trust in their reason and intellectual prowess are not allowed to see. "The Father of eternity… has hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children." The term used “children” always refers to those who are open and willing to receive spiritual enlightenment as a child would receive guidance from a parent. It is understood that the Creator will not disclose the precious commodities of the Spirit which is His own essence to those who would mock, no more than a husband would disrobe his wife in public. Such things are sacred. The same who would resist authority in youth will grow in pride as to resist that which cannot be measured in life. For it is again written, “God is a Spirit and those that come to him must do so in spirit and in truth.” A person ultimately draws a line, either I refuse to consider the possibility of the spiritual because it insults my knowledge to do so, or I will seek revelation despite my not being able to comprehend, because eternity has more weight of value than the temporal which passes away.

  • #2
    Well written response, where I couldn't have said it better myself.


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