The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra



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  • The Third Jesus by Deepak Chopra

    I just began to read "The Third Jesus" by Deepak Chopra. Have you read any of his work?
    Also known historically as St. Clair Glass

  • #2
    Deepak Chopra Spiritual Concept

    Deepak Chopra is ideally boycotted by the majority of fundamental Christendom. He is Hindu and teaches Vedanta and compared Indian spiritual traditions based on Universalism. Even though his writings contain many truths, he leads people away from Jesus Christ as our redeemer to the New Age Gnostic concept that teaches we are all gods that need awakened.

    Time magazine labeled him as the worlds "New Age Supersage" which is an apt title. His New Age position immediately invalidates scriptures and denies original sin and introduces Christ as one enlightened to God-consciousness. He sees the church as a guilt-trip to control the masses as do many of the agnostic. His recent work “Third Jesus” is nothing more than rehashed Hegelian Dialectic process (Third way) or Synthesis. which basically says that instead of having a Right (thesis) and a wrong (antithesis) you can actually have a synthesis of the two opposing ideologies (combination of the two) therefore no one is completely wrong and by extension no one is completely right! By denying the absolutism of Christ who said “I am the way, truth and the life… no one can come to the Father except through me,” anything goes - Luciferian theology.

    Hegelian Synthesis is the human root of post-modern inclusivism. Its introduction by Georg Hegel laid the foundation for the modern ideology of inclusivism and acceptance of all beliefs systems as equally valid. As if there is no single absolute foundation for truth (thesis) then there is no absolute wrong (antithesis) either. Exit Fundamental Christianity, enter the New Age and the Emerging Church Movement.

    Pantheism, the paganistic and Anti-Christ ideology has crept into Emerging Church beliefs which in turn is a synthesis of pagan Eastern Mysticism and Biblical Teaching. This forum was created to help illuminate seeking soul, to hopefully guide them from falling into that snare. I would empathetically stress a careful review of his teachings compared to biblical Christianity.
    Last edited by SERay; 06-30-2012, 03:14 AM.


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