I'm Christian, But I'm Not... BuzzFeed Video



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  • I'm Christian, But I'm Not... BuzzFeed Video

    By now many of you have no doubt seen the viral video “I’m a Christian, but…” Not only has the video been making the rounds, but the hashtag ‪#‎IAmAChristianBut‬ is ubiquitous on social media right now.

    While the intent of the video is to share what they don't want to be identified, verses an explanation of the gospel. I get that, but the encompassing message undermines any credible claim that these testimonials can be in any sense authentically Christian. Their testimony is actually this. “We are Christian, but are not like those other Christians who actually follow Christ’s teachings.”

    It is obvious that this is a propaganda piece for a version of Christianity that is Christian in name only–a progressive version that has more to do with maintaining street-cred with Christianity’s cultured despisers than with the faith. It is what the apostle Paul called a “form of godliness” while “denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:5). It is empty–literally, a hollowing out of everything essential to the faith.

    The message reminds me of Universalist Rob Bell's book "Love Wins," a heretical book full of “confusing half-truths.” Rob said “The sacrificial understanding of the cross belongs to a primitive cultural world we no longer inhabit" so he sidesteps the key principals of the cross and anything construed as negative. This is the heart of many of the contemporary post-Christian churches today.

    What is clear, that many professing 'club' Christians today have a minimal understanding of Christianity, but instead create their own ideology. The video portrays the post-Christian Progressive Moral Relativism that aggressively subjugates the cardinal doctrines of the bible as outdated. The idea that a person can be a practicing gay or a feminist, who aborts on demand, is in direct opposition of everything doctrinally or historically related to Christianity. Therefore the only answer for the pseudo-Christian ecumenicist is to diminish the Bible as outdate, as Rob Bell did.

    The apostle John once warned against those who call themselves Christian but who don’t actually follow Jesus: “The one who says, ‘I have come to know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him; but whoever keeps His word, in him the love of God has truly been perfected. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked” 1 John 2:4-6. Meaning, the mark of authentic Christianity in a person’s life is the willingness to follow everything that Jesus calls us to. This obedience isn’t the cause of our salvation; it is the fruit of our salvation.

    It is staggering really, just how spiritually and biblically illiterate people calling themselves Christian are and the spawns of Satan that position themselves as teachers. I apologize for such a harsh expression over this content. I realize that simply complaining about the video would make me a lot like a Pharisee, looking around and saying, “I thank you that I am not like those people.” Never-the-less, these are indeed the last days, "...when people will not endure sound teaching." 2 Tim. 4:4.

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